Site Information
This site allows for simple text and file hosting.
- The default hosting duration is 15m.
- The longest hosting duration of a single file or text entry is 6d.
- Each upload has a capacity of 100.0MB and 5 files.
- Files and text are NOT encrypted at the moment. It's recommended that you archive (i.e. zip) sensitive contents with passwords.
- Passwords ARE encrypted using scrypt and a salt length of 16 characters.
- Accounts (i.e. credentials) are removed when they no longer have data associated with them. So if all your files expire and get deleted, so does your account.
- Uploaded files are not altered. Files are not compressed. File metadata is not modified.
- There are no difficult-to-remember URL tokens on this site. Instead, you create your own credentials with relaxed username and password rules.
- New credentials and data uploads can be submitted in the same Upload Data form.
- Similarly, existing credentials and data uploads can be submitted in the same Upload Data form.
- If you'd like to get in contact, please email me at
- Please be respectful.